· 到达考点:
您的雅思纸笔笔试位于广外大学城校区艺术楼,雅思纸笔口试位于广外大学城校区教工活动中心,雅思机考笔试和口试均位于广外大学城校区实验楼E区,建议考生经东北门(即外环东路178号大门)进入校园。各考场分布:https://gwkszx.gdufs.edu.cn/jtzy/jtzn.htm ,校外车辆不得进入考点,建议乘坐公共交通出行。
· 证件要求:
1) 身份证件不符合要求
2) 未出示纸质版准考证。
· 到达时间提醒:
机考:上午场笔试:08:00AM开始进场,入场截止时间为08:30AM;下午场笔试:13:00 PM 开始入场,入场截止时间为13:30 PM。
· 其他要求:
Admission Instructions for IELTS Test Takers
Thank you for registering for the IELTS test at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. To ensure that you have a smooth and orderly test experience, please be aware of and comply with the following regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated.
· Arrive at the Test Center:
Your Written test will take place at Building of Arts,Your Speaking test will take place at The Staff Recreation Centre,Your Computer-delivered test will take place at Laboratory Building Zone E, Test takers are recommended to enter Guangdong University of Foreign Studies from the northeast campus gate, which locates at No. 178, Waihuan Road East, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Centre. To view maps of test venue buildings: https://gwkszx.gdufs.edu.cn/jtzy/jtzn.htm
Taxi, online ride-hailing cars and private cars are prohibited to campus. Test takers (includes but not limit to test takers under 18) can only enter campus during test period on the test day.
· Identification Document Requirements:
Candidates must bring the original and valid ID document and admission ticket that match the registration information to attend the test. Test taker who have no acceptable IDwill not be allowed to attend the test.
· Reminder of Arrival Time:
Candidates must pay attention to the following times and allow enough time for entry inspection and on-campus transportation to avoid being late.
Speaking test: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the test, and the deadline for admission is 15 minutes before the test.
Computer-delivered test: AM Sitting: Entry starts at 08:00 AM, the entry deadline is 08:30 AM; PM1 Sitting: Entry starts at 13:00 PM, the entry deadline is 13:30 PM.
Paper-based test: Entry starts at 07:30 AM, the entry deadline for the written test is 08:30 AM.
· Other Requirements:
Candidates should follow the instructions of the test center staff, orderly enter and leave the test room.
During the test, if the candidate reports that he or she is not feeling well or the test center staff observes that the candidate is not feeling well, the center staff will guide the candidate to seek medical attention.
Please keep a close eye on this notice before your test day as there will be no separate notice if there’s any further changes.Should you have any questions, please contact the test center: 020-36207153.
We wish you success for your IELTS test!
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies